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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

wow. its august already

Its already august

I have decided to put the kids IN school.

vanessa will start kindergarten, and alejandro will be entering 5th grade!!!


i'm getting old

Thursday, April 28, 2011

as my girls nap

I remembered about this blog I started! Not like I have many followers (2!!!)
Anyhow...I am busy busy.....Alejandro is coming to an end to 4th grade...growing up so fast.
Vanessa is gearing up for kindergarten
Esmeralda is still a baby!!!

My life is good, can't complain, take the good with the bad.
I am happy, kids are happy, guess thats what really matters.
this fall, I am contemplating homeschooling my kids.

I stay home, so why not? What will i do with my day when they are all in school?
At least their only influences will be what I allow in their lives!!!

I am super duper excited , but WAY WAY nervous!!!!---did I mention---SCARED?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

end of a semester

the semester is coming to an end. talk about a rough one. i guess its cuz i'm in class sooooo freakin late at night. its wearing me down but hey two more weeks. i can handle it...but i will be back in class in june after a 3 week vacay or break...then my schedule will be crazier than ever...mon and wed 9-1230 (not too bad) tues and thurs 2-745 (eck) and saturday 8-2 (double eck)...but I will then be done with all the pre requisites by the end of the fall, which will put me one semester ahead to focus on acing the TEAS!!!!!
it is a long journey for me, and without the help of my mother, and sister in law i would not be where i am. they help me sooooo much with my kids. i am just so blessed to have them nearby to help me.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I have been real busy lately. With school winding down to an end, I am preparing for my summer courses. I don't want to take them, but its the only way I will get back on track... I have fallen so behind already with having to drop out or put it on hold for so long. We are also house shopping, which is waaaaaaaaaay stressful, and waaaaaaaaaaaaay exciting!
Easter came and went, passed us by quick. was nice. just us family. next upcoming event is alejandro receiving the sacrament of holy eucharist. He is so excited, and happy that he passed his final interview.

Monday, March 8, 2010

vacation from a vacation

we went on our trip to san antonio texas. it was good, but rough on me. i need a vacation to recover from my vacation! i traveled there by air with three children, no other adults! it was overall good. i am thankful that i have well mannered children. they did complain only when tired, but otherwise were so happy to be there. i enjoyed my time with them, they were all mine and only mine for 5 days, i didn't have to share them with anyone. i am very tired though and trying to catch up with school is tough i feel like i fell so behind! i also have not been feeling so great and was kind of sick over there! my vanessa fell off the bed in the hotel and she had a seizure, now that was scary! i thought i was gonna lose her, it was one of the most terrifying moments in my life! thankfully all is ok with her more episodes, she is at my moms tonight. i miss her, she is so much fun. she went to spend the night with her grampo and nana. she does rule that house, well all three of them do, but i think its something about her looking so much like me at that age that ultimately melts my daddies heart

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

not much

So mister groundhog saw his shadow yesterday, which means 6 more weeks of winter...and I started the day with the question "where is the snow", and guess what!?!!? its here! yay!

I have been going non-stop for quite some time now, and I have a test tonight in Chemistry, but am hoping in my secret heart of hearts, that class will be canceled. I kind of just want to hang out at home with my kids and hubby on this snowy evening...Eddie's class got canceled already, but mine, however, is still on, as far as I know!!!

There is not much else going on....I mean, do I have more room in my life for anything else?

Esmeralda has a little cold, Vanessa is just about over it, and Alex still has a cough, but that boy is stubborn as ever! Everyday when I pick him up from school, his jacket is in his backpack, and he is jumping around in the snow or rain, or cold!!!! Can I really be upset with him, since I remember doing that, it was not cool to wear a jacket, lol!

Esmeralda is also very stubborn now, and I am wondering if she is hitting the terrible 2's early! I don't remember Vanessa, or Alejandro being this naughty. But I must say, she is very funny to watch.......

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I made it through my first two weeks of classes. Passed my first test in medical terminology with 100%. Honestly , I didn't think I had it in me anymore...I also attended my first Life Night. It was fun, and even my kids enjoyed it!

well its almost the end of January... wow time flies!

Eddie is also taking his course to get his pipe fitters license! I am excited for him.

My son got straight A's again...that little boy is so smart!
Esmeralda's labs were all okay except one but she will have to be re-tested in six months. she saw her nutritionist yesterday and I have to make a few changes in her overall diet...but I think I am on the right track since she gained 5 more ounces since her last doctors appointment, one week ago~