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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

wow. its august already

Its already august

I have decided to put the kids IN school.

vanessa will start kindergarten, and alejandro will be entering 5th grade!!!


i'm getting old

Thursday, April 28, 2011

as my girls nap

I remembered about this blog I started! Not like I have many followers (2!!!)
Anyhow...I am busy busy.....Alejandro is coming to an end to 4th grade...growing up so fast.
Vanessa is gearing up for kindergarten
Esmeralda is still a baby!!!

My life is good, can't complain, take the good with the bad.
I am happy, kids are happy, guess thats what really matters.
this fall, I am contemplating homeschooling my kids.

I stay home, so why not? What will i do with my day when they are all in school?
At least their only influences will be what I allow in their lives!!!

I am super duper excited , but WAY WAY nervous!!!!---did I mention---SCARED?