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Monday, June 15, 2009


This weekend was pretty laid back. Saturday was really windy. My darling husband woke up early and made me breakfast. Then he headed off to his mom's house, and took the older two kids with him. Alejandro wanted to sleep over, so he packed up his stuff and slept over there. When Eddie came back, he worked on the truck, and I got a little nap woo hoo!!! When I woke up, he was still putting brakes on the dodge, so I went out to help him. It was nice because he was out there all alone, and putting brakes on a diesel is a 2 man job, cause you gotta bleed the lines and blah blah blah. Well his friends were all busy, so I went out to help, and he said the sweetest thing, "oh who needs friends to come help when I have my best friend right here" any way, the truck is still not running, which is not good, because it is time to head to the mountains for firewood. we bought the parts but its still not running right and now we need a MAJOR part for it :( but the good part of Saturday, was Eddie and I got to hang out just him and I for a while, without someone needing their snot wiped, or needed something to drink, eat, or just something to whine about.
Sunday, was another lazy day. I stayed home all day. It rained and rained. Eddie ordered kfc for dinner and we watched Fools Gold. This is one of my favorite movies. We didn't do much of anything else. The kids camped out in the living room, because Vanessa claims someone is living her closet.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

well on thursdays, it is story time at the local library. so, today we headed off to the library, and the kids had a puppet show, (very cute) and then they got to each make their own puppets. vanessa is learning how to use scissors still, so it was a bit of a challenge to help her make a puppet while trying to nurse a squirmy 6 month old! whew! another mom and I were talking about sprouting an extra set of arms, and we thought how convenient it would be to be like that one cartoon, stitch! yeah, how nice that would be to have not one but two extra arms. my mom is a big help, but alot of the times lately, she doesnt feel well. her health has not been up to par the past year. it is a very hard thing to see. my mom has always been a very hard working determined strong woman, and for me to see her in so much pain is very difficult. i pray for her, and know that one day soon the answers will come to those doctors, and they will finally be able to diagnose her and heal her.
on another note, i am actually thinking of returning to school this fall. i am half way there! i would already be entering the program this fall, but i had my baby girl so that set me back a few semesters. i still dont know if i will return, so i am contemplating going part time. i guess part time is better than no time. it will just be very DIFFICULT with three kids, all my pets, and my husband. dont get me wrong, my husband is very supportive, but lets face it, men were not designed to be mothers, at least my rough n tough guy isn't. last spring he had the kids for 4 hours every night while i was in class, i had a tough schedule that spring, and he couldnt get them into a schedule. i would come home late every night and 99% of the time, you guessed it, they were stil up, bouncing off the walls. i don't know how well he will do with 3 children this time. although it will be only for 2 hours, 2 days out of the week, max!
all of my dreams are currently on hold. that is the price one pays to be a mother. i know what i want, and i will eventually have RN behind my name, but am not sure when exactly that will happen. i see so many obstacles in front of me right now, though, that i totally depend on my support (thanks jacque). jacque is going to school for her RN too, and we both have difficulties, different ones, but diffiulties, the same, so she is my support, and I am hers.
one day, i will be able to fulfill my dream, therefore making me more capable of helping my children reach their dreams. my daughter, at age two, is determined to be a doctor, my son wants to be either a marine, or a paratrooper like daddy. we shall see if this passion of his to be a soldier will follow him, because at age 3 he was determined to be a paleontologist, lol.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Today is Saturday

Today is Saturday, as you can plainly see from my title...duh. Not being rude, just not feeling great. I have so many things to be thankful for, and that is what I am trying to focus on. I need to clear my mind. I am thankful for my son, my one and only son. He is so strong, caring, handsome, and smart. I have blessed with not one but two beautiful daughters. My older daughter is so smart, and pretty, with a great personality. My baby girl is the happiest baby I have ever seen, and her smile can brighten up anyones day. Both of my girls are the prettiest little girls. I am sure that every mother thinks that of her daughters (just to clarify). I am fortunate to still have both of my parents, who never cease to amaze me with their support and advise, and lucky for the two GREAT, awesome brothers God gave me. I am thankful for my husband, who, by the sweat of his brow, provides for our daily needs. I am thankful that I have great In-laws, who are so loving and caring, and always there for my children, husband, and myself.
I just needed to remind my self of some of the blessings I have, because once in a while a big dark ugly cloud comes in and tries to block out the sun.

Monday, June 1, 2009

its been awhile

It has been awhile since I last posted. Good reason though, my computer was in the shop. If it weren't for bad luck, I would have no luck at all. 2 months ago, my dryer croaked on me, two weeks ago, my hard drive failed, and last week, my stove decided to head on out to that appliance graveyard as well! I now have a new dryer, and a new stove, and a new hard drive, which means I spent all freaken morning re-installing all the crap I had before. Not to mention all the money this has cost me! I guess I forgot to say, my truck has up and died too. We are waiting for those parts to come in. Those are also very expensive since diesel engines are so much more expensive to maintain.....ugh! Aside from that, I have been very busy. My baby now has her first tooth :-( and my other baby, Vanessa, caught her first fish yesterday afternoon.

any way, we had fun. we went to the lake and Vanessa reeled in 2 rainbow trouts. we stayed until the rain settled in. She was so proud of her fish. I was happy for her because seeing her there next to her daddy brought back all these memories of me with my daddy. Oh how I miss being a little girl....but I am still to this day, daddies little girl (he still greets me the same way every time I see him "hello little girl.":} )
I remember being so attached to my dad when I was little, everything he did I mimicked. everywhere he went, I went. and me being the first-born, was super cool too!!! I am so excited to get out camping this summer!