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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

max is home

Max is home!!! $200.00 later he is home. Pets are like children (you are so right Amanda). He is on 3 different meds. now. I brought him home this morning, and he did not fuss, he went straight to his bed, and has been sleeping all morning! His neck and sides had to be shaved to clean the wounds, and apply the creams, but its just fur and will grow back. Vanessa is so happy, she drew him a get well picture. And Alex is going to be so happy when he gets home from school!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not a great start

Not a good start to the day. I let the dog out early this morning to go do his business. I heard the puppy (meeko) barking. I ignored him. Eddie was up before me, getting ready for work, and asked me if I got a look at the skunks. I said no. He said they were out there early this morning trying to get into the dumpster. He was like "wow the house even smelled like skunk." Goes to show when you have a little baby, only their cries will awaken you, nothing more. Well it was 7:15 and I had just finished my cup of coffee, and I thought, wow, I better bring Max inside so he can have his breakfast. I opened the door and started to shout "Max! come on Max!" That is when I saw him. He was laying in Meeko's bed, and he looked so awful. His eyes were HUGE, and he looked like he wanted to cry. I got some shoes on, and handed the baby off to Alex. I flew down the stairs and as I got closer, I saw the wounds. He had blood everywhere. I situated him a little bit better in the bed and took my son to school. I came home and loaded him in the car, and went straight to the vet. Dr. Salisbury is amazing. She has saved a few of my pets lives before. She examined him, and I told her I thought the skunks beat him up. She said, not likely because he didn't reek of skunk. She thought he had been run over because of the way he was wounded. I called the vet's office earlier and they told me he was likely beaten up by another dog. He is sedated, and will spend the night there for observation, because of his lacerations, and internal bruising. I will bring him home tomorrow morning. My children are very upset, but I told them he was just having a doggy sleep-over. I am hopeful that he pulls thru, he has been through so much in his life.

Monday, April 27, 2009

today, today

Today has been a good day so far. Except, that I had to go back to the classic templates on blogger because I am not computer literate, and could not figure out how to change the comment option. Oh well. I have done the laundry, paid the bills, and now am getting ready to pick up my son from school. I have plans to go out for a run again today. I hope it happens. I had a bad day yesterday, I didn't even make it to mass. I was so sick. My daughter was very upset because we were not going to make it to church, so I put it on EWTN and she watched the mass there. I slept until noon, and got up and ate (my mom came and made me something) and went back to bed, while Eddie took care of the kids. At around 2 I got up again and started dinner for the kids. We ate, and did the dishes and then we watched a movie.
Pretty cool. We were able to watch an old favorite "Windwalker."OH I absolutely love this movie! It is an old movie based in Montana, about the Cheyenne and the Crow Indians. I love old movies, (Indian movies have always been my favorite).We had ice cream, and snacks (not good if you are trying to lose weight) but I am pleased to say I weighed in at 1 1/2 lbs less than last week, pretty good considering, I have been slacking.......


I am trying to get the hang of it, but frankly I am getting fed up with this blogging thing. I can't figure out how in the world to fix it. No one can leave me comments. I tried to do what Amanda said, but it didn't work. Not sure if I am going to keep it up.........

Friday, April 24, 2009

Well last night I FINALLY got out to go for a run. Whew! It felt good to feel the burn in my legs. I loaded up my baby girl and went to my mom's house. She was ready and we got little miss Esre into the stroller and headed out. We did a mile, not a complete run though, because did I mention I am totally out of shape! I am happy that I got to go, and Eddie was such a darling, that he kept my older two kids home with him. I enjoyed feeling the crisp air last night. It felt like if I were a bird and had been locked up in a cage for a long time and then been freed. I like winter, but LOVE the warmth much better. The baby of course, was not into the whole ordeal of changing her schedule around, so she cried for a while, then fell asleep when I was heading back. Oh, and I am not sure if me throwing this new activity at her really upset her or what, but she and I had a rough night. We were up almost every hour, and then at around 1:30 a.m., she decided that she wanted to stay awake. I am very sleepy, and can only imagine how tired my husband is, since he is already at work. Of course, little missy is out like a light now! I am caffeinated already, and ready for the day and all that is to come of it (I hope).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bright, Sunshiny Day...

Today is another lovely day. The sun is out, and so is my laundry (out on the line). I love the warm weather, it makes me want to conquer the world. I just finished a cup of coffee, and am proud to say I have cut the amount of sugar I use, to 1/2. I am on a long voyage to lose 20 pounds, but there are alot of foods I cannot take out of my diet without harming my baby, since I am nursing. That leaves me to cut out sugar. I don't really have a sweet tooth (I am naturally sweet, lol). My only downfall is coffee, darn coffee. I need it to wake up because I get little sleep at night. I am hoping that we will hit up the football field and run (or walk cause I GUARANTEE you I'm outta shape). I have a busy day ahead of me. I gotta go grocery shopping, iron, get my orders delivered, check on my parents, and yadda yadda yadda. The list goes on and on. But I am telling you all, the Lord will get me through it, that is why the sun is shining. Yesterday, was funny because it was sunny also. Well Vanessa is used to the gloom of winter and we were on our way to pick up my son from school. I put her in her carseat and she starts screaming "mommy turn out the light, turn out the light." I am trying to figure out what she is upset about, and I explain to her that the overhead light will go out once I close the car door. Well she points and says the light is hurting her eyes. So, HELLO!!! The sun!!! I told her I could not turn out that light, only God had that power. Fun Stuff, being a mom. I have so many laughs. Vanessa is my funny one. But OT, my son, was about 3 when we moved to New Mexico. Well we were traveling by car, and we had the Army pack all our stuff, except the valuables of course. With us, was our dog, my jewelry, our firearms, and things of sentimental value. My dad is very talented, and he carves alot. I have alot of things he has made for me, and among them, is a crucifix of Jesus Christ. Well I packed that in the vehicle to be sure the packers would not break it. It was high on top of luggage etc., and my darling hubby was tired from being up all night and something happened where he had to slam the brakes. The crucifix slid down to just above my sons carseat (we had a jeep, so there is no trunk).He starts crying when he wakes up, saying "mommy Jesus is poking me" anyway, just thought I'd share how funny kids can be. It was too cute.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

today is a great day

today is a great day. I had a good nights sleep, (baby is getting better), got up energized, and got the kids ready for the day. The sun is shining outside, and I have the music turned up! I am trying to do a little bit of spring cleaning, but my funny little babies keep interrupting me. The joys of motherhood! I love being a momma so much! I hope to be as great a mother as mine has been to me. I decided to take a little break from cleaning. It seems as if once I get in these cleaning moods, I will find a reason to go out and shop for something new to put up. I have a bad habit of this, so I thought I better distract myself and do something else. We are saving up to get a big house, so I need to tighten the belt buckle on my spending drastically. I better get to cleaning, so I can take the girls out to play for a while. Its time to start running again, whoo whoo. I can get to make more use of that running stroller that I just had to have. Lucky am I, that my husband spoils me, and gets me all that my heart desires.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Sacraments

Well on Holy Saturday, I completed 2 of my sacraments!!!! I am so happy! I chose my Aunt Bernie to be my sponsor because of her strong faith and ties to the Church! It is so amazing that I have finished. I was pregnant when I started the RCIA classes and there were many times I had to drag myself to class because I was so exhausted. I made it to every class, except for maybe two when I just had the baby. The classes were so inspiring, and I grew so much closer to God! I am so thankful to have met Francis, for she kept everyone on their toes, lol, she is such a strict religious director. I am also so blessed to have Father Terry Brennan in my life, he is so amazing, the way he presents the homily on Sundays, is breathtaking. We are also so fortunate to have a new priest by the name of Denis. He is from Uganda, and he is such a nice man. I am going to miss going to my religious classes on Friday nights, but now I have more time to get to our weekly bible study on Thursdays!!!! I am so thankful to the Lord for guiding me, and allowing me to become closer to our Saviour, and also thankful that Iam so much more involved in the Church. I have a few pictures of my Confirmation/ Holy Eucharist celebration on here, but unfortunately something was wrong with the flash on my camera, so they are not very good :{ The mass was amazing, long, but beautiful. The Easter Vigil. It is held all by candlelight, everyone is issued a candle, and it is lit after the lighting of the Paschal Candle, which is lit by the bonfire outside, as Father prays. All the readings are done by candlelight, it is soooo beautiful. I can't wait for next year when my baby will be older, and will enjoy it as much as the older two did!

Friday, April 17, 2009

just a gloomy day

This is my first try at blogging, so I'm not sure if I want to keep it up. Today is a very crappy day. It is snowing, in April. New Mexico has got some crazy weather sometimes. The girls and I are inside, sitting by the fire, keeping warm. It would be a nice day to bake some goodies:}~ yummy!! We have to go out in a little bit, to get my son from school, and then come back, and probably make something warm for our tummies, lol. Vanessa had her first field trip yesterday. She had so much fun (and so did I). She went to kidz zone in Santa Fe, and it was so much fun to play with her in the obstacle courses and boy oh boy did I get tired. Over all it was fun, she had pizza, and spilled the punch all over me, had a snack of chex mix and oranges. Best of all she made a friend, which was a great joy for her!