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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Changing lifestyles

I have been wanting to change my lifestyle for quite some time now. I would really like to get some excess weight off my body. It is not a great amount, but I would definetly like to tone my body, and get in better shape.
I already eat healthy, so it is a matter of getting my lazy butt up an extra hour early in the morning to start running again! It is just very hard for me to find the will power because, as I have mentioned before, I still don't get a full nights sleep! My baby, she has not slept thru the night yet! It is hard for me, because I LOVE SLEEP too! OH how I wish I could do it like I used to!
I am hoping tomorrow, (or maybe even this evening) to start up again, I have to sit down and carefully plan my every step. Especially since I know, it only takes 3 weeks to either start a new habit or kick an old one!