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Monday, March 8, 2010

vacation from a vacation

we went on our trip to san antonio texas. it was good, but rough on me. i need a vacation to recover from my vacation! i traveled there by air with three children, no other adults! it was overall good. i am thankful that i have well mannered children. they did complain only when tired, but otherwise were so happy to be there. i enjoyed my time with them, they were all mine and only mine for 5 days, i didn't have to share them with anyone. i am very tired though and trying to catch up with school is tough i feel like i fell so behind! i also have not been feeling so great and was kind of sick over there! my vanessa fell off the bed in the hotel and she had a seizure, now that was scary! i thought i was gonna lose her, it was one of the most terrifying moments in my life! thankfully all is ok with her more episodes, she is at my moms tonight. i miss her, she is so much fun. she went to spend the night with her grampo and nana. she does rule that house, well all three of them do, but i think its something about her looking so much like me at that age that ultimately melts my daddies heart