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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

not much

So mister groundhog saw his shadow yesterday, which means 6 more weeks of winter...and I started the day with the question "where is the snow", and guess what!?!!? its here! yay!

I have been going non-stop for quite some time now, and I have a test tonight in Chemistry, but am hoping in my secret heart of hearts, that class will be canceled. I kind of just want to hang out at home with my kids and hubby on this snowy evening...Eddie's class got canceled already, but mine, however, is still on, as far as I know!!!

There is not much else going on....I mean, do I have more room in my life for anything else?

Esmeralda has a little cold, Vanessa is just about over it, and Alex still has a cough, but that boy is stubborn as ever! Everyday when I pick him up from school, his jacket is in his backpack, and he is jumping around in the snow or rain, or cold!!!! Can I really be upset with him, since I remember doing that, it was not cool to wear a jacket, lol!

Esmeralda is also very stubborn now, and I am wondering if she is hitting the terrible 2's early! I don't remember Vanessa, or Alejandro being this naughty. But I must say, she is very funny to watch.......